Carolina Buoy Data

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Air Temperature   Water Temperature   Wind Direction @ Speed   Wind Gust Speed   Barometer   Barometer Trend   Wave Height   Wave Dominant Period 

Fripp Nearshore (41033) - no recent report available South Capers Island, SC (SCIS1) - no recent report available 370 NM East of Charleston, SC (41424) - no recent report available Wrightsville Beach, NC (JMPN7) - no recent report available Sunset Mid-Shelf (41027) - no recent report available ONSLOW BAY, NC (41035) - no recent report available 27 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC (41037) - no recent report available 5 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC (41038) - no recent report available Oregon Inlet Marina, NC (ORIN7) - no recent report available Beaufort, NC (BFTN7) - no recent report available Sunset Nearshore (SUN 2) (41024) - no recent report available Fripps Inlet, SC (FRPS1) - no recent report available Capers Mid-Shelf (CAP 3) (41030) - no recent report available Capers Nearshore (CAP 2) (41029) - no recent report available FRYING PAN SHO (41013) - no recent report available Diamond Shoals (41025) - no recent report available Cape HATTERAS (41001) - no recent report available Folly Island, SC (FBIS1) - no recent report available EDISTO (41004) - no recent report available S HATTERAS (41002) - no recent report available Frying Pan Shoals, NC (FPSN7) - no recent report available Cape Lookout, NC (CLKN7) - no recent report available Duck Pier, NC (DUCN7) - no recent report available Springmaid Pier, SC (MROS1) - no recent report available Sunset Beach, NC (SNSN7) - no recent report available

Tabular Buoy data with links to each Buoy

ID Name Time
41033 Fripp Nearshore No recent reports.
SCIS1 South Capers Island, SC No recent reports.
41424 370 NM East of Charleston, SC No recent reports.
JMPN7 Wrightsville Beach, NC No recent reports.
41027 Sunset Mid-Shelf No recent reports.
41035 ONSLOW BAY, NC No recent reports.
41037 27 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC No recent reports.
41038 5 miles SE of Wrightsville Beach, NC No recent reports.
ORIN7 Oregon Inlet Marina, NC No recent reports.
BFTN7 Beaufort, NC No recent reports.
41024 Sunset Nearshore (SUN 2) No recent reports.
FRPS1 Fripps Inlet, SC No recent reports.
41030 Capers Mid-Shelf (CAP 3) No recent reports.
41029 Capers Nearshore (CAP 2) No recent reports.
41013 FRYING PAN SHO No recent reports.
41025 Diamond Shoals No recent reports.
41001 Cape HATTERAS No recent reports.
FBIS1 Folly Island, SC No recent reports.
41004 EDISTO No recent reports.
41002 S HATTERAS No recent reports.
FPSN7 Frying Pan Shoals, NC No recent reports.
CLKN7 Cape Lookout, NC No recent reports.
DUCN7 Duck Pier, NC No recent reports.
MROS1 Springmaid Pier, SC No recent reports.
SNSN7 Sunset Beach, NC No recent reports.